Enhance Staff Performance with CentralReach's ABA Learning Management System

With over 60 features, our powerful ABA Learning Management System allows you to deliver large-scale consistent education or training content for your business.

Build, launch and manage a personalized learning experience for staff

Turnkey ABA Learning Management System

Get your ABA learning management system (ABA LMS) up and running in 2 hours or less with out-of-the-box courses.

Reporting & Analytics

Get insight into learner engagement, course utilization, and assessment and quiz results, and more!

Learning On-the-go

With mobile capabilities, staff can access training anytime, anywhere, making it convenient for them.

Custom ABA Staff Training Programs

Quickly modify any of the CR Institute courses already available -- or build your own engaging courses with ease.

Learner Dashboard

Staff can track their progress, view available courses, see certificates, and more!

Operational Excellence
in ABA

Read how operational excellence can be achieved at your ABA practice and why it’s critical in enabling successful scaling and growth.

Learning management by the numbers

Active Learners in Courses
0 Hours
To Get Up and Running

Stay in the know

Insights, knowledge, and best practices

Practice Management
Case Study

Trumpet Behavioral Health Case Study

5min | Posted on Mar 15, 2023

Solutions for Every Stage
of Your ABA Journey

Frequently asked questions

Typically, it takes less than 2 hours to get you up and running in the ABA LMS. From there, you can start to assign pre-built courses or start to create your own courses.

The Learning Management System is robust and scales with your organization. Features include Blended learning, Course & Content Management, Learning Paths, Reporting & Analytics, Assessment & Engagement Tools, User Management and much more.

The CR Institute platform has fully auditable course tracking whereby the admin will be able to ensure that all courses required have been completed. 

Are you ready? Let’s get learning!

You've got enough on your plate -- there’s no need to build out all your onboarding, training,
and CEU courses from scratch. Let the CR Institute’s collection of courses, test prep and
robust learning management system help your practice flourish.