A CR Assessments Product

Comprehensive ABA Assessments for Autism:

The premier ABA assessments software platform to digitally track and assess over 2,400 critical skills across language, learning, behavior, and functional living for children and adults with autism and related intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Learn how CR ABA Assessments
can benefit your specific market:

Streamline your ABA assessment process
for the best possible learner outcomes

  • Recommended and Approved

    With a combined 40+ years of ABA assessment data and proven efficacy, ABLLS-R and AFLS provide organizations with a payor approved assessment solution.

  • Transformative Digital Solution

    Modernize how you track and assess over 2,400 critical skills across language, learning, behavior, and functional living.

  • Robust Reporting

    Generate customized reports faster than ever, allowing clinicians and educators to analyze progress, make data-informed decisions, and target skills with ease.

  • ABLLS-R Aligned Programming

    Within the CR Assessments Content Library is the new ABLLS-R Skill Acquisition Program by Tammy Frazer, providing individual skill - aligned curriculum with teaching procedures, targets, suggested materials, mastery criteria, prompt hierarchy, step-by-step trials, and more.

  • Enhanced Care

    With detailed assessment insights, deliver higher quality, reimbursable care that enables individuals to achieve better outcomes and live more independent lives.

  • Equitable Access for Systemic Change

    Change the narrative by providing your teams with standardized data collection. With our premier digital assessment tools, increase collaboration by sharing learner progress with all team members, parents, and caregivers.

  • Individualized Instruction

    Write more appropriate goals, identify individualized accommodations and modifications, and provide high-quality, data-informed individualized instruction.

Now purchase ABLLS-R and AFLS on one platform.
Choose your path below:

Starter Plan

$120 Learner / Year

Billed annually

Choose this option if you are a parent, caregiver, or professional. Your account will not be linked to others within an organization. Subscription is seat based and is recommended for less than 10 learners.*

Functional Living Skills (AFLS)​
Basic Language & Learning Skills (ABLLS-R)
Basic Reporting & Skill Tracking​
Note Taking
Roles & Collaboration
CR Single Sign On with MFA
Activity Logging for Compliance​
Responsive Design

*If you already have an annual contract with CentralReach, please contact your Account Manager to add more seats. 

Therapy Provider

Special Pricing

Per Assessor

Choose this option if you are using the ABLLS-R or AFLS to assess clients that you deliver therapy to in homes or in clinics. This is recommended for providers with more than 10 learners.

Functional Living Skills (AFLS)​
Basic Language & Learning Skills (ABLLS-R)
Basic Reporting & Skill Tracking​
Note Taking
Roles & Collaboration
CR Single Sign On with MFA
Activity Logging for Compliance​
Responsive Design
Integration with CentralReach
Analytics and Neurotypical Sample Data
Content Library*
Coming Soon!
Advanced Reporting

*Add-on feature

PreK-12 Schools

Special Pricing

Per Student

Choose this option if you are using the ABLLS-R or AFLS to assess students in a public or private school. This is recommended for more than 10 learners.

Functional Living Skills (AFLS)​
Basic Language & Learning Skills (ABLLS-R)
Basic Reporting & Skill Tracking​
Note Taking
Roles & Collaboration
CR Single Sign On with MFA
Activity Logging for Compliance​
Responsive Design
Analytics and Neurotypical Sample Data
Content Library
Coming Soon!
Advanced Reporting


Schools and Therapy Providers across the country are Unlocking Potential

“This assessment is a critical tool for clearly defining targets dealing with functional living skills. This tool has been sorely needed for meeting the needs of many children, adolescents and adults.”

Dustin, Colorado

aba assessments software running on tablet

Ready to add CR Assessments to your toolkit?

Fill out the form to book an ABA assessments software demo and learn more from our CR team.

Frequently asked questions

The combination of the ABLLS-R and AFLS assessments have been combined as a CR Assessments ABA software product. The combination of two of the most used criterion-referenced assessments for students with autism in behavior analysis allows educators and practicing behavior analysts the opportunity to assess skills of learners in real time and select and develop instructional objectives that are appropriate for the learner at the time of assessment.

The ABLLS-R and AFLS are criterion-referenced assessments for students with autism designed to support skill acquisition targets for individuals with autism and IDD. The CR Assessments product should be used by trained educators and practicing behavior analysts.

The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills - Revised

The Assessment of Functional Living Skills

Utilizing both assessments in a combined platform supports the purpose of assessment, to identify strengths and weaknesses of a learner, identify individualized instructional targets, and allow assessors to select goals according to individual performance. The benefit is the assessment provides an overview of a learner across their lifespan from early childhood to adulthood.

CR Assessments support an efficient intake and ongoing process. Robust reporting and analytics features allow educators and practicing behavior analysts the opportunity to select skills observed during the assessment and populate objective treatment plans and IEPs.

CR Assessments support an efficient intake and ongoing process. Robust reporting and analytics features allow educators and practicing behavior analysts the opportunity to select skills observed during the assessment and populate objective treatment plans and IEPs.

The CR Assessments product offers reporting and analytics that report the percentage of skills mastered within each skill content area for one assessment as well as across multiple assessments. This reporting allows practicing behavior analysts the opportunity to report on a learner’s skills per domain versus a comprehensive score on the complete assessment. Practicing behavior analysts should also report on individualized skills acquired by their learner with each report.

The use of CR Assessments does not require or advise that all 2,400 skills are assessed in one period. Assessment of skills should be determined by a thorough records review, interview of the learner and their family, and proper selection of skills to observe directly from the information gathered.

This answer is dependent upon a few things. The assessor needs to consider how many skills have been mastered during the last assessment period. As the learner acquires skills, it is important to go back into the CR Assessments product to add more goals, so the learner is continuously acquiring new skills. Some school districts do have requirements on how often to perform assessment for students with autism and that is dependent upon the specific school district rules.

We thought you’d never ask! The benefits of transitioning to the digital platform are endless, and we are here to help make that transition seamless! Please contact assessments@centralreach.com to learn more about your complimentary digital access and start your transition to the premier digital platform!

Are you ready for transformative change
in your assessment workflow?

Contact us today to learn more about how using ABLLS-R | AFLS, a CR Assessments product,
can empower your team, and support learner progress for optimal outcomes.