Public schools around the nation are often working with limited budgets. Finding the funds to purchase highly beneficial special education software can be challenging. However, additional funding is available – but how do you access it and implement it in a meaningful way to make true change and create positive outcomes with your special education student population?

What is ESSER Funding
In 2020 and 2021, three bills were passed that provided funding to support education amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of these included Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds.
- The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act: Signed into law on March 27th, 2020, the CARES Act awarded 13.23 billion dollars in ESSER funds to elementary and secondary schools.
- The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act: Signed into law on December 27th, 2020, the CRRSA provided a second round of ESSER funds totaling 54.31 billion dollars.
- The American Rescue Plan (ARP) of 2021: Signed into law on March 11th, 2021, The ARP provided schools around the country with a 3rd and final round of ESSER funds totaling 121.97 billion dollars.
In total, schools and districts nationwide received nearly 190 billion dollars in financial relief from ESSER funds to use during the pandemic and in the years that followed. The purpose of these funds was to address the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had and continues to have on elementary and secondary schools across the United States.
ESSER Allowable Uses
ESSER funds can be used to support state educational agencies (SEAs) in providing necessary resources to address the needs of their schools, thus lessening the impact of the pandemic. Schools can use funds for many things, including mental health support, software and technology, and cleaning and sanitization supplies.
Combatting learning loss must be a primary focus of ESSER funds. At least 20% of ESSER III funds must be spent on this purpose, with a particular focus on high-risk and underserved populations, such as students with disabilities and English language learners.
School districts can reduce the impact of COVID-19-related learning loss by using ESSER funds to purchase software that allows students to achieve more positive outcomes in any learning environment. Some ways software can be used to address learning loss in the special education population include:
- The use of assistive technology or adaptive equipment to support independent learning and expand staff capacity.
- Administering holistic assessments to accurately address learning loss by first establishing baselines for students’ academic, functional, and social-emotional functioning and using the findings to guide IEP development and instruction.
- Data-collection software to monitor outcomes for students affected by learning loss and create actionable IEPs that are compliant and evidence-based.
- Social-emotional learning tools to increase student engagement and support the development of social skills that may have been hindered during the isolation of the pandemic.
It is important to note that products purchased and strategies implemented using ESSER funds must be evidence-based.
What grade levels can use ESSER funding?
ESSER funds can be used for grades K-12.
How much money did each state receive in ESSER funding?
You can see highlights for each state’s approved plan, including how much funds each state received here.
When is the deadline for obligating funds?
Schools must obligate funds from the third and final ESSER III by September 30th, 2024. However, an extension can be requested, allowing for funds to be used until March 2026.

Planning for Success with Special Education Software
Seeking funding can be intimidating. However, funds are available and can be used to support the underserved communities including special education students. Using these funds to implement new software can be beneficial, but may feel like a daunting task at first.
Identify Your Goals
When it comes to special education software, there are many potential uses and benefits. Work with your internal team to determine what your students would most benefit from in terms of software. Consider whether you’re in need of software that simplifies and centralizes IEPs, goals, and data collection. Or perhaps you’re seeking a solution to better assess your students' individualized needs. Whatever your school’s individual needs are, seek out software that is based on evidence-based practices to maintain compliance and accelerate your students' learning paths.
Plan Effectively
Timing is important to ensure all teams are onboarded and have thorough training on how to use the software. Now is the perfect time to purchase new software. Your team can take time over the summer to get aligned with the new technology and be ready to go for the 2024-2025 school year. Utilizing these funds now also ensures you won’t miss the deadline for obligating funds.
Involve Stakeholders
Include key stakeholders in the implementation process. This includes educators, administrators, parents, and students. A major benefit of digital platforms is that they allow for increased collaboration and transparency across all teams, including parents and caregivers.
Visualize and Track Student Progress
When implementing an innovative approach to accelerating learning and mitigating the effects of lost instructional time, closely monitoring student progress is vital. Pay attention to gaps in your student’s academic, behavioral, and social-emotional functioning and individualize teaching strategies to address them. Software solutions make it simple to visualize and track your student's progress.
Go Digital with CentralReach
Support your staff, students, and families with innovative and adaptive technology. Learn how to improve outcomes for students with Autism and IDD using CentralReach's suite of special education software.