According to Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle, businesses always know what they do and can typically explain how they do it, but most times, they struggle to understand or relay exactly why they do things. It is said that the “why” is the most important piece of any business puzzle. It’s the core of what drives all other aspects of the business— from the audience or customer served, the product decisions made, and even communications or marketing. It is not about money, but instead a different type of ROI— the impacts made on the people served.


Here at CentralReach, our team has made it a point to stay grounded in the reasons we are here. We not only measure our business health and success routinely but stay true to the real reasons we operate as we do. In this blog, we want to share our “why” with you.  

Our Purpose

To start, let’s go back to the Golden Circle idea. CentralReach is the #1 provider of autism and IDD care software and services. That is what we do. How do we do it? Well, we provide end-to-end autism and IDD care software that supports the delivery of applied behavior analysis and related therapies - at home, school, and work.

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Trusted by more than 150,000+ professionals globally

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3B+ Financial, Operational, and Clinical Data Points

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20M+ Therapy Sessions

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300+ Schools and Districts across the US and EU

Now, let’s discuss our “why.”


Our mission is to provide the leading software and services platform to help children and adults diagnosed with autism and related IDDs - and those who serve them - unlock potential, achieve better outcomes, and live more independent lives. We aim to elevate care and educational services with next-level software, solutions, and expertise.

applied behavior analysis therapy session

Why are we here?

Today, there are over 200 million individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder. With an estimated 54% shortage in clinical staff, limited special education teachers, and inadequate employment resources, many of these individuals are left without the tools and services needed to achieve independence at home, school, and work. That’s what we call the Autism and IDD Care Gap. It’s this gap that has driven CentralReach to build what we have and provide what we do— the only software and services platform designed to close the Autism and IDD Care Gap™. From early childhood to adulthood, and across therapy sessions, schools, the workplace, and the community, CentralReach’s platform has the tools our customers can use to overcome today’s care and learning limitations and improve outcomes. While our solutions can never replace clinical, education, and employment professionals, our integrated technology solutions can create efficiencies that expand capacity and extend care— in every setting and every stage of life. Families, therapists, teachers, and employers can work smarter to help individuals unlock their potential anywhere, anytime.


We were initially built for BCBAs by BCBAs. As time has progressed, we also now employ many other field experts, educators, parents, and those who simply care and want to improve the lives of individuals with autism or other intellectual or developmental disabilities.


Who do we serve?

Let’s dig a little deeper into who we serve. CentralReach exists to support those who care for, educate, or employ people with autism and IDD. If you work in this field (as a therapist, clinician, analyst, special educator, etc.) or are a parent, we are here for you. Our team recognizes and appreciates all of your hard work!


We understand that long-term success for individuals with autism and IDD depends on you. Our software and services are designed with you in mind. Our wide range of solutions are tailored to support therapy providers of all sizes delivering care at home, centers, or out in the community, as well as special educators and employers. CentralReach’s full suite of therapy and education solutions is here to ensure that you provide top-notch services via:

We are constantly investing in innovative ways to support the evolving needs of the autism and IDD care space. Most recently, we launched our new AI assistant, cari, which is embedded throughout our software to intelligently pull information from our vast proprietary data set to produce recommendations for review.  


CentralReach’s digital tools can ease the burdens you face in the field, help foster independence for those served, and close equity gaps in the level of care and education received. Together, we hope that our team of experts can assist you, leading to the best possible outcomes and increased autonomy for those we all serve.  

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