Corina Jimenez-Gomez

Corina Jimenez-Gomez

Assistant Clinical Professor and Director of the Center for Autism Research, Treatment, and Training, Auburn University

Dr. Corina Jimenez-Gomez earned a Licensure in Psychology at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in Caracas, Venezuela. She then went on to earn a doctoral degree in Psychology with an emphasis in behavior analysis from Utah State University. Subsequently, she completed post-doctoral training at the University of Michigan and held a Research Fellow position at The University of Auckland, New Zealand. Previous to her current role, she held a faculty position at Florida Institute of Technology and served as clinical supervisor at The Scott Center for Autism Treatment. Currently, Dr. Jimenez-Gomez is an Assistant Clinical Professor and Director of the Center for Autism Research, Treatment, and Training (CARTT) at the Department of Psychological Sciences at Auburn University. Dr. Jimenez-Gomez is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst at the doctoral level. Her professional interests include translational and applied research in the areas of behavioral variability, choice, persistence and relapse of problem behavior, early intervention and verbal behavior, staff and caregiver training, and cultural competence. Dr. Jimenez-Gomez has served as a reviewer for a number of scientific journals and is currently on the editorial board of the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior and Perspectives on Behavior Science. She also is the Coordinator of Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) Science Blogs and Program Area Coordinator for Autism for the ABAI annual conference.