Meeting the unique needs of students with autism and IDD is a continuously evolving process for educators. Partnering with the right software provider can make all the difference in driving student success. Schools and districts across the U.S. proudly use CentralReach’s suite of evidence-based and expert-crafted solutions to unlock student potential.

CentralReach’s suite of solutions enhance special education programs with:

  • FERPA-Compliance
    With the endless tasks on an educator’s plate, the last thing they want to worry about is maintaining compliance and avoiding data breaches. Utilizing FERPA-compliant software provides peace of mind, knowing student data is safely housed in a single location.  
  • Special Ed & ABA Data Collection
    Behavior analysts, educators, therapists, and support staff can track and monitor student progress with tailored special education and aba data collection. Each special education team member can work collaboratively to measurably improve individualized teaching and learning outcomes for students with autism and IDD. CR LiftEd empowers educators to make data-driven decisions by tracking behaviors, IEP goals, and skill acquisition targets.  
  • Digital Assessments
    Comprehensive assessments inform every aspect of a student’s educational journey. CR Assessments enable teachers to enhance individualization by capturing a thorough picture of a student’s strengths and areas of need. Educators can track more than 2,400 skills for students across their educational journey— from pre-academics and communication skills to higher-level vocational and independent living skills. 
  • IEP Management and Goal Development
    CR LiftEd increases visibility and accountability for Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), ensuring each student’s goals remain in focus during day-to-day learning. With IEP system integration, workflows are seamless, reducing administrative work for teachers and staff. LiftEd also includes a library of pre-build assessment-aligned programs, making educators’ jobs easier, thus enhancing job satisfaction and retention 
  • Digital, Task-Analytic Instruction
    CentralReach supports students across their lifespan in all settings–Home, school, work, and the community. Our patented software, avail, replaces one-on-one prompting with digital, task-analytic support 

With avail by CentralReach, educators can improve independence in a wide range of skills, including: 

    • Safety 
    • Taking a bus 
    • Conflict resolution 
    • Making friends 
    • Workplace duties 
    • Cleaning 
    • Cooking
    • Meal planning and grocery shopping
    • Shaving, hygiene, and dressing

In-House Implementation & Staff Education  

CentralReach sets districts up for success from the get-go. With training and ongoing support, we ensure your team has a streamlined and efficient experience. Continuing professional development also ensures that educators are always up-to-date with the most recent best practices and educational pedagogy.  

Choose Us as Your Special Education Software Provider

Our comprehensive solutions allow educators to meet the unique needs of each student along every step of their educational journey. Choose us as your preferred partner for your school district and begin measurably driving success today!

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Next‑Gen Mobile App

Elevating Client Learning Opportunities by 25%
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