The #1 AI-Powered ABA and Multidisciplinary Software for Autism and IDD Care

End-to-end software that supports the delivery of ABA, speech, occupational, and related therapies for care at home, school, and work.

Who we serve

Unlock potential for next-level care, wherever care is delivered

Enterprise Therapy Practices

Scale operations across every business area

Manage your entire care program through a powerful, all-in-one EMR enterprise ABA applied behavior analysis software and services platform for mid-to-large therapy providers. Integrate all aspects of autism and IDD care to optimize operations, improve clinical outcomes, and scale successfully.

Explore Products:

Practice Management SoftwareClinical Data CollectionBilling ServicesLearning ManagementTraining & Skill DevelopmentAnalytics & ReportingScheduling AutomationAssessmentsTest Prep

Practice Management
Small Therapy Practices
Special Education
Neurodiversity Employment

Why CR

Work smarter and extend care

CentralReach is the industry’s leading ABA therapy software and services provider that helps organizations serving individuals with autism and IDD deliver evidence-based and personalized care, at scale.

care professionals
+ Million
annual service appointments
$+ Billion
annual therapy billable charges
+ Billion
clinical data points

Our platform

Introducing the Autism and IDD Care Platform™

One platform with purpose-built solutions that support the entire autism and IDD care journey from childhood through adulthood.

Tablet practice management software

Stay in the know

Insights, knowledge, and best practices


RBT Certification - Free Online Guide

4min | Posted on Jan 27, 2023
Test Prep

The BCBA Exam - 10 study strategies to prepare

4min | Posted on December 13, 2022

Assessing skills with ABLLS-R®

4min | Posted on October 17, 2022

Preventing clinician burnout:
a BCBA’s perspective

Our customers love using CentralReach

Blue Sprig

"It is great to be able to connect and view other employee schedules, as well as client information that is pertinent to
my job requirements."

Autism Learning Partners

"I am able to track cancellations, authorizations, and the amount of remaining hours we have left on an auth very easily."

Trumpet Behavioral
May Institute
Action Behavior Centers
Autism Spectrum Therapies
Proud Moments ABA
ABA Insight
Anderson Center for Autism
Mansfield Township School District

Extend, Scale & Improve Care

Connect with us and learn how CentralReach
can help you achieve better outcomes